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Dreams, anxiety & future.

A bit about me 🦋🌸✨

I have always been very restless and something within me refused to settle for average.

I felt that what I wanted was different.

I remember back in class everyone thought about growin up and becoming lawyers, teachers, policemen... And to be honest, at the beginning that was too my mindset, I wanted to be a doctor, ever since a very young age.

Everyone who knows me, knows this. It has been my eternal passion, I was and I am fascinated by the human body, how it works, how complex and wonderful it is and above all the possibility of being able to diagnose, help others, save and change lives.

It's a profession I've always admired. I never doubted that this was what I wanted for my life, but I had never really stopped to think beyond how much I liked it. I had never considered what a day in my life would be like once I finished my degree, if it also aligns with other aspirations and objectives that I have in life and would like to also achieve and another series of important aspects to take into account.

High School for me has been a key point in my life, it was what made me totally change course.

And yet for a long time I kept striving and wanting medicine like the first day, but there came a point where I realized that even though medicine meant a lot to me, maybe it wasn't as much to me as I thought...

The basic disciplines on which it is based were not especially those in which I stood out the most, the number of years required compared to the subsequent compensation did not seem that equitable to me and for me, it was like starting to live at almost 30 and, in addition, a life in which at the end of the day I did not see myself reflected.

I wanted something else, I aspired to more. And not precisely because doctor is just any profession, but because I understood that my aspiration and goal in life was different.

And what was I looking for?

Yeah, I get it. I am a veeery dreamy person but at the same time I am hardworking and ambitious and I believe that is the combination that can get you from where you are to where you want to be. It has been that instinct the one that has been guiding my movements because the lifestyle I was longing for was completely different and no, I'm not even talking about money but about time, independence, freedom...

Translation: How much life is your salary costing you?

I have a very adventurous spirit. I wanted to travel, explore the world, learn about different cultures, languages, live experiences, have time for those activities that I enjoy and discover others that I have never tried, feel free and live to the fullest every moment of this life because this is the only thing we take from it. The feelings, the memories, the people..

Don't stop searching until you find yourself.

I didn't feel like the rest, I couldn't imagine a life like the one they were considering. I was very overwhelmed to think about it, it made me feel trapped. And I remember being very distressed not knowing what to do or where to go.

This was when I had my first shock, I had never thought of an alternative, for me it was always medicine and now I was lost, not knowing where to start or how to direct my future to what I trully wanted and I was terrified of the idea of finally having to give in to living that routine life from which I was trying to escape. I had a very hard time trying to find my way, something that made me want to get up and go to work every day, that would give me a meaning, a reason, a why I do what I do and for what. Something to live and fight for.

Cuz, yeah, that's just how I am. I know a lot of people maybe don't think about it that much, but for me it's something very important. I'm going to dedicate a great part of my life to it, so, I needed it to be something that would push and motivate me. I don't want to feel like I wasted my life.

And after some movements of confusion and fear that have helped me to lead me to where I am today and for which I am eternally grateful, we come to today.

I am currently studying Social Integration, I would like to be able to work remotely while traveling at the same time. I want to combine social entrepreneurship with ministry. Preaching the Word in different contexts and areas – conferences, apologetics, missions, universities, social networks ... – and helping the poor ones with real solutions and not only in specific moments like a random volunteer in summer of a couple of weeks.

For me, this would be a dream come true.❤️‍🔥

I don't want to live a life just for myself, for me that doesn't make sense. I want to be able to influence and impact the lives of others, to drive a change in society, my generation or my environment.

«The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free.» —Luke 4:18

It fills me to fill others and work for the Glory of God. My desire is to bring life and hope where there is none, my passion is to serve God and see lives transformed in His name and certainly, I am willing and determined to give up whatever it takes to share His Word and build for His kingdom.

Why so much effort?

I am aware of how much your life can change once you walk with God by your side and I wish wholeheartedly that same peace and security for others.

I care about people and their eternal destiny. For me, the ideal would be to be able to help and change not only earthly but also spiritual realities; because earthly things have an end, wether their good or bad, failure or success, health or sickness, it is temporary. But death reaches us all and our destiny depends on what we decide here. Here is the urgency of preaching.

«For this is what the Lord has commanded us: I have made you a light for the Gentiles, that youmay bring salvation to the ends of the earth.» — Acts 13:47

I am a very independent person, with hunger of living, justice, doing many things, discover the world, challenge myself... For me, starting an online business means being the owner of my life and time, having the opportunity to manage my schedules as I want to, not having to depend on anything or anyone but te internet, travel and be able to invest in me and in my life.

I long for that feeling of freedom, of feeling alive.

It is definitely my goal in life💫

I do not see myself reflected in a routine job from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. the rest of my life working to cover my debts and daily expenses, which does not allow me to really have time, with the consolation of a vacation every certain time and being able to start enjoying and living in my retirement. I would feel locked up and trapped in a monotonous life, stuck in my purposes and goals.

So I will fight for what I want at all costs.

Some things I've learned along the way 💆🏼‍♀️🧠

– It is okay to change your mind and opinion on things, it is a sign of evolution.

– We should not be so afraid to challenge the established or fail and have to try again but to always stay in the same place. It can be scary to go against the current and dare to enter the unknown but only then will we achieve what we want, otherwise all our lives we will flee from what it means to be outside our comfort zone and we will have to conform.

– The only thing you should care about is what the people you care about think, no one else deserves so much attention.

– If you want more, you will have to give twice as much.

Many times I have been told that what I want is very difficult to achieve and even impossible, and they are right I am not a very conventional person and therefore, I do not look for the ordinary. But, luckily, I don't get carried away by the opinion of others. When I want something I am constant and patient and I go for it, it will cost me more or it will cost me less but to arrive, I will arrive; the one who does not stop walking, ends up arriving at the destination.

I don't care what everyone else does, I'm not everyone. In my eyes, the impossible is what is never tried, and honestly, I prefer to invest all of my time, energy and money in what I really want rather than doing for something that does not really satisfy me just because it is the safe thing. That does makes no sense to me, life is way to short to be wasting it.

There is a phrase that my parents have always told me and that has been engraved on me with fire: "Aim high, because to go down there is always time."

This brief phrase has forged part of my mentality: If it goes wrong or I don't get to reach it, it´s okay, there are always other ways, alternatives and paths. And surely, I will have come much further than if my goal had been smaller, because if a small goal becomes—because of fears, circumstances or just any other motive.—smaller, it can easily turn to almost nothing, but if from a huge goal It reduces to just a big one, I will have achieved more.

You can always go back or do something else if that thing you want to do doesn't turn as expected or work out, but first, go for what you really want.

I have also come to understand that people's opinions are largely charged and based on previous personal experiences, limitations of their own, subjective perspectives, beliefs... And that it is awesome to listen and enrich yourself with them because many times they open horizons and make us change our way of seeing things but that in the same way, precisely because opinions are subjective we must be aware that they will not always serve and apply to us because we do not all want the same things, nor are we equal.

Advices can both guide and confuse you. Everyone will tell you what they think is best but at the end of the day you are the one who knows what is best for you; it may be best for someone to oppose and be an official for the stability it provides and for another to start working now instead of continuing to study in order to have an income of money. Neither is wrong, everything depends on you and what you want and look for, what you aspire to. It´s al about what suits you best.

The bottom line is that regardless of all this, who has the final word and should decide on your life and determine the next step is you and not anyone's perspective. Do not keep to yoursefl the "I can't" of others, the fact tat they believe they can or can not do it does not mean that it is so to you. People go as far as they think they can go. The mind is what limits us. Work to feel comfortable in the uncomfortable and you will achieve great things. Because we move in the direction of our strongest thoughts it is SO important to not let certain thoughts penetrate on us.

If you want something but haven't gotten yet, what are you waiting for?⌛️

Nothing changes if you don't change. If you don't move, you stay static in the same place. Don't be naïve and be part of the "things will happen in due course" group or "once I finish... I will.." because then you never will. Things do not come alone. If you don't work for them, create opportunities, etc. and all you do is say everything you will do one day but without putting an effort of ebven making a plan: surprise! you won't. You´ll just keep saying that.

Make this your mantra: No matter how much you desire and imagine something, it doesn't matter how much you think about it and how bad you want it, if you don't start doing somehing about it, it will only stay in that, because your future is defined by your present.

I had a plan but God had a purpose🌟

God has changed and revolutionized my life so much that now my greatest satisfaction, passion, and dream is to be able to share Him with others. That's what I want to dedicate my life to, to creating an impact on the lives of others.

Now, I know this is the life I want⬆ I want to live for a cause greater than myself, I decided this two years ago when I gave my life to God and surrender to Him entirely.

At the end, my path may not have changed that much; before, I wanted to heal and save bodies, now I also want to heal and save souls.

I am still that restless-minded girl who cannot stop asking herself questions and searching for more, with a rebellious heart full of illusion and passion and a soul that refuses to settle with less than what it was created for, to give in to the bonds that prevent it from being free and that wants and longs for more.

I still feel anxiety, I still do not understand many things but this time I have the confidence that I will achieve everything I feel and desire even if I do not always know how to get there. Because of my determination, because of my effort and sacrifice, because of my perseverance and because I know in Who I trust and why. He has never failed me. He sustains me and helps me, he gives me the answers at the right time, he puts the right people in my way, he arranges ways, he works in miraculous ways, he provides, watches over me, he opens doors for me...

Trust: Trust in yourself and your abilities, trust in the process, and trust God.

It is incredible how much our life can change when we decide to change our thoughts and dare to believe, to believe him, to take a lip of faith even when you do not see anything and everything around you (situations, people, society, studies, economy, limitations or even your own insecurity ) shouts the opposite.

I look back and see my past self, all the process it has gone through, what it has learned, and everything it has taught my present self; I admire and am proud of that evolution and transformation.

My way of facing it now is different because I have understood that what is impossible for us is possible for God (Luke 18:27) and that faith is necessary due to the fact that we have not been called to have all the answers, but to have all the predisposition.

Exactly! God does not demand of us to know and understand everything, He counts on the fact that it will not be so, girl chill, that´s His fuction, not yours. That's why He is God all-knowing and not you; if we could do it all on our own, why would we need God then?

What He does demand of us is sacrifice and passion that will be tested by adversities and circumstances that will forge character, generate perseverance, patience, discipline and everything you need to arrive, maintain and achieve your calling. The gold itself is riddled by fire to give it shape and even the facets of the diamonds are beaten and cut to be polished and perfected.

It is comfortable on the shore where you touch and see but if you want more you gotta go offshore even with your doubts and fears, where it will cost you much more to swim, where many times the water will come to your neck and where you will have to work twice as hard but you will receive triple; where you do not step and depend on Him.

THERE!! That's where God can work greatly in your life, when you give it to Him. When you say, "Hey, here I am, here you have me; guide me you who know the waters."

«Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see..» — Hebrews 11:1

No calm sea has made a good sailor. I repeat it to you because it is the most difficult part to face, where many abandon: Trials and difficulties will come but all of them will have a purpose and will mold you; they will shape your vision and your character; they will prepare you for all that you pray for. Trust and strive.


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